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“Stay Focused And Keep The Goals In Mind To Achieve Success,” Mohammed AL-Bayat

Mumbai: Mohammed AL-Bayat one of the most successful business entrepreneur based out in Saudi spoke about how passionate towards his business.

According to Mohammed, the youngsters who are looking for startups should look after the key activities like reading and learning, adjusting to a healthy lifestyle, visualization and affirmation, building habits and routines that ensure success.

What piece of advice would you give to college graduates who want to become entrepreneurs?

Find your passion, set SMART goals, be yourself, act swiftly and never stop learning and never ever give up.

If you had the chance to start your career over again, what would you do differently?

I would be more serious about diversifying my investment portfolio.

What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

  1. Self-motivation
  2. Innovative
  3. Self-management and Emotional intelligence.

What entrepreneurial tricks have you discovered to keep you focused and productive in your day-to-day busy schedule?

Keeping abreast with market trends and digesting all relative available information about my businesses and investments.

How did the idea for your business come about?

Every investment or business I have been involved had to meet two elements, considerable value to our clients and significant ROI

How did you come up with the name of your company?

My family is known for many generations in our region as landlords and real estate investors, therefore Albayat as my business name is definitely more sensible.

How did you raise funding for your venture?

When I started, I was funded by my father and my uncle, and after a short period, I had big names in real estate among my circle of investors.

How do you build a successful customer base?

Honesty is key, besides genuine interests in the customers and always offering generous referral incentives to our affiliates and satisfied customers.

How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?

Recently we are almost 95% of our marketing activities are through social media marketing.

How do you define success?

Success as I see it is personal. What success to me is not necessarily success to someone else. But what we can all agree is that success must be balanced in every aspect of our life, not merely our business.




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