Health And Diet

Letter To PM From Dr. Lubna Kamal Over Third Wave Of COVID


The Prime Minister,

Respected Sir,

This is Dr. Lubna Kamal, Asstt Professor in State Jawahar Lal Nehru Homeopathic Medical College Kanpur. I have important requests to make towards the upcoming third wave of COVID 19, its control, the preparation, and the role of government in its containment and prevention of death. I don’t know how many mystics the PMO has on their team but a lot of countries use their abilities, time to time for the welfare of their nation. I had a dream related to COVID in Feb 2020, which is as follows.

There were these two huge mountains with a deep valley between them. This valley was being filled with dead bodies one on top of the other so much so that the space between the mountains was completely obliterated and it formed sort of a bridge or passage connecting the two mountains, where someone could walk on the bodies and reach the top of another mountain.


Initially, I was unable to grasp its meaning and completely forgot about it. But during the second wave, after witnessing so many deaths, the dream came to my mind. With it, I had intuitions that the purpose of the dream was that I should do something about it.

I started working on the solutions in April and found Homeopathy to be extremely effective in the prevention as well as management of COVID. I published some of my results in media as well as Homeopathic Journals.

I also joined a Dream Analysis Workshop to further interpret the meaning of my dreams and in a collective dream class, led by my teacher Mr. Ravi Bodani, everyone dreamt that the consequent wave or COVID future will be more devastating than before. I, therefore, request you to please give an ear to the suggestions I have to put forward.

Firstly we need massive healthcare infrastructure to deal with the third wave. Therefore all the doctors of Modern Medicine and the AYUSH system should receive training regarding COVID, its prevention, medication, management. Already there is training utilizing several apps, but it should be made mandatory for all doctors, as soon as possible.

Secondly, the Homeopathic medicines Arsenic, Phosphorus, and Tuberculinum should be made widely available through existing Dispensaries and Medical Colleges. It should be widely publicized to the general public that these medicines should be taken as advised for prevention, by everyone. These medicines are cheaper and more effective than any other alternative medicine system available.

Thirdly, the Vaccination drives should be speedier and more convenient. We should mobilize all possible healthcare institutions to dispense vaccines. For now, studies in medical colleges, consultation of general non-serious patients in OPD’s should take a backseat and we should focus single-mindedly on COVID alone.

Fourth. Just like in Gorakhpur, all AYUSH hospitals can also be modified to be COVID Care Centres, where the less severe cases requiring intermittent oxygen intubation can be handled. The Modern medicine medical colleges and institutions like SGPGI, RMLIMS, etc should receive only the very critical patients needing ICU and ventilators. A lot of patients can be managed by AYUSH doctors in their medical colleges, with additional training of 1-2 months and under the supervision of 1-2 MBBS, MD Doctors per AYUSH Medical College.

Fifth. The COVID patients can be broadly divided into 3 groups. First who have mild symptoms and can be completely managed at home. They should follow the already existing Government protocol and regularly be in touch with doctors on the phone who can guide them about medications, precautions, and what to do in case of emergencies. These can be MBBS and AYUSH doctors both. Secondly with moderate symptoms who will be better with hospital care, professional monitoring, and intermittent Oxygen. These can be taken care of in AYUSH hospitals. Thirdly the patients with severe symptoms require rigorous monitoring and ventilatory support.

Sixth we will need more Oxygen, Ventilators, and Oxymeters. The government should take steps for the purification of Industrial Oxygen so that it can be used as Medical Oxygen if needed. We need more Oxygen plants in Hospitals and Nursing homes. More ventilators and oximeters can be procured beforehand.

Seventh. The necessary medicines and injections should be available in surplus so that the general public does not face any shortage.

Eighth. The public should be fined for not wearing masks and they should still be made aware to follow social distancing. The outbreak is likely to happen at the change of season or in winters. The government should take special precautions in these times by imposing a night curfew 

Ninth. Meditation on how to deal with stress during the whole COVID period, improve immunity and tackle fear should be made popular again and again on different media.

Tenth. Breathing exercise and Yoga which could improve Immunity and oxygen saturation in blood should be made more popular.

Eleventh. Each region should be connected to a huge centralized call system available 24 X 7 where there should be telecallers who can listen to the initial complaint of a covid patient, resolve their queries or transfer their call to a doctor if needed so that in absence of any knowledge, they don’t rush to doctors or hospitals.

Twelfth. The government should ask its citizens for suggestions to deal with the pandemic as there might be mystics who can suggest something better and think of, previously.

Thirteenth. The infections of fungus must be tackled before the onset of the Third wave, failing which could be devastating.

Fourteenth. It predicted that the 3rd wave will be more devastating to children. But we are least prepared there as most hospitals, nursing homes lack children’s ICU.

There are a lot of Private Practitioners who were offering free services and consultation during the second wave. I am sure they can be trained and roped in for putting their abilities to use in a better and organized way. They can volunteer each day for several hours depending on their availability.

This is a war-like situation and every citizen should not only be sensitized but also contribute towards the health of the nation. Just as the saying goes sweat in times of peace prevents blood in times of war similarly preventive efforts and awareness in times of trough, prevent deaths in times of crests during a raging pandemic wave.

That’s all that came to my mind which I felt I should communicate to the PM so that we handle the third wave better. Any mockery or incompetence reported especially by the foreign press is an insult to the whole nation, not just the ruling government.

Hope my dream and suggestions prove beneficial to the nation.

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