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Mahimananda Mishra And OSL Group Ride The E-Commerce Wave To The Top

As industry leaders like Mahimananda Mishra inject the industry with considerable investments and experience, the sector will surely reap the benefits in the near future.

Logistics has always been a cornerstone for the Indian economy and proved its worth many times over, the most recent being during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. The country-wide lockdown meant that an efficient and uninterrupted logistical supply chain was the need of the hour.

The logistics sector rose to the occasion and met the challenges head-on, delivering both essential and non-essential goods to customers across the country. The pandemic has accelerated the growth of e-commerce, resulting in a boom in logistics as well.

The boom in logistics means that conventional warehousing and cargo handling companies are seeing a rise in cargo tonnage too. Mahimananda Mishra, MD and Chief Executive Officer of OSL Group, commented that the global shipping and freight industry has nearly reached the pre-COVID levels.

The exponential growth the industry has experienced is due to the upsurge in e-commerce. With more and more people switching to online transaction, logistic companies had to switch gears and adapt to the changing times and conditions.

Warehousing and stocking operations have seen a revival with new projects coming up to meet the ever-increasing demands of buyers. Even traditional stevedoring companies like the OSL Group led by Mahimananda Mishra, have diversified their operations to accommodate pressing requirements.

What this also means is that the global trade industry has seen a turn around with the shipping sector registering steady growth. Almost 80% of global trade by volume and 70% of global trade by value are carried out by the sea. The sudden surge in e-commerce has seen allied industries like logistics and shipping benefit from the growing demands.

Mahimananda Mishra, Chairman of the OSL Group, has commended the resurgence of the stevedoring and freight handling industry and acknowledged the crucial role logistics has to play in the coming months.

While the efforts of logistics companies are noteworthy, there are several places where improvements could be made. As industry leaders like Mahimananda Mishra inject the industry with considerable investments and experience, the sector will surely reap the benefits in the near future.

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