10 Effective Ways To Stay Calm And Relaxed Before JEE Main Exams

Exams are a demanding part of a student’s life, particularly entrance exams like JEE Main. It is a determining factor of their future, and it naturally becomes a stressful event for most of them. To top it all, the current COVID-19 pandemic situation has worsened their mental state. Anxiety is affecting them and the people around them – their parents, friends, and families.

Exam stress is quite natural, but too much of it becomes harmful for the students. It hampers their preparation and their focus shifts from studies to worrying about JEE Main. This results in bad scores, and they repent later.

So, it is essential to be stress-free or at least try to reduce it if not do away with it. Indulging in relaxing activities without getting distracted has a significant role to play in this. Reward yourself with short time-outs to break the monotonicity. This is how you can cope with the stress and anxiety during the JEE Main exam.

10 ways to Stay Calm and Relaxed during JEE Main

There is a myriad of ways to combat exam stress. We have curated the 10 most effective ways to spend your pre-exam days away from all the apprehensions.

1) Keep a positive attitude

Having a positive perspective is necessary during exam days, especially when we are amid a pandemic. Brooding over the JEE Main exam will do no good. It will be unfavorable for your mental health. Always remember, there is nothing you can’t accomplish; you have to focus and give your best.

2) Schedule your time

For efficient time management, prepare a study schedule and follow it religiously. In this way, students will know precisely what you have to do, when, and how. This solves half the problem. Aspirants will get a clear picture of their state and cope with the portions they are lagging in.

3) Set realistic goals

Students become nervous, thinking about the parts of the syllabus they haven’t covered yet. There is a solution to this too. Apart from setting a timetable, you must set a daily goal of how much you plan to complete in a day. This will help you cover up the entire syllabus in a better way.

4) Be your competitor

Students tend to compare themselves with their peers. This again adds to their stress levels. Students must understand that they are their biggest competitors, and you have to excel yourself. It is the students who themselves can transform their negatives into their strengths. Learning from your mistakes will make you unstoppable.

5) Focus on the quality of preparation

School seniors, peers, parents often emphasize that entrance exams like JEE Main require hours of daily study. Longer the hours of research, the better the scores. But what we don’t realize is that it is all about the quality of your preparation and not the time. Even a student studying for 5 – 6 hours a day can make it through with flying colors if he/she has studied with complete dedication. Undivided concentration is necessary during your exam.

6) Take Mock Tests

Another reason for exam stress is the fear of the unknown. Students are unaware of what they can expect on the paper and how to tackle them. This increases their anxiety levels. So, take up mock tests as much as you can. This will help them build self-confidence, increase efficiency and make them a pro in time management. Practice different ways of approaching the questions, including the most and least favourite topics, and you’ll be good to go for the JEE Main exam.

7) Exercise daily

Include exercise in your daily routine during your exam days. Meditation and yoga are proven methods of stress reduction. This will not only help curb tension but also keep the students fit and healthy.

8) Eat healthily and take sufficient rest

A perfect balance of body and brain is a prerequisite for an exam like JEE Main. A good 7 – 8 hours of sleep is necessary to keep away exhaustion and fatigue. A healthy, nutritious diet and proper hydration are add-ons to this. These factors play a significant role in keeping you focused.

9) Take mini-breaks

Long hours of study take a toll on the mind and body. It becomes monotonous and boring, and whenever it feels like it, take a short break. It might seem to be a disruption of the study schedule, but it is necessary at times. Listening to some soothing music, taking a stroll, or drinking a cup of tea with parents helps students calm down. You can do anything that makes you happy and lightens you up, and then you can restart with a fresh mind.

10) Stop worrying and be confident

The end of your apprehensions will occur only when you stop worrying. There should be no place for self-doubt. Aspirants have to keep faith in themselves and believe that they can do it.

Cracking JEE Main is not an unachievable task; you just have to be ready and give your best, and the rest will follow, so be confident. JEE Main 2021 exam is slated to be held soon and students have overtaxed themselves already. But if they adopt these ways, they will not fall prey to anxiety or stress. All the best for the exam!

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