Mumbai: An NCERT panel has recommended replacing India with Bharat in school textbooks, committee chairman CI Issac said. The panel also recommended introducing classical history instead of ancient history in textbooks, the chairman added.
According to committee chairperson C I Isaac, the panel has recommended that the term “India” be changed to “Bharat” in textbooks, that “classical history” be taught in place of “ancient history,” and that the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) be included in the syllabus for every topic.
“The committee has unanimously recommended that textbooks for students in all classes use the name ‘Bharat.'” Additionally, we have suggested that “classical history” be included in the textbooks rather than “ancient history,” Isaac told PTI.
However, NCERT representatives stated that a decision on the panel’s recommendations has not yet been made. According to him, the group has also suggested that the textbooks emphasize “Hindu victories” in a number of different conflicts.
“The textbooks currently discuss our shortcomings. However, Isaac, who is also a member of the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), stated, “Our victories over the Mughals and sultans are not.”
The content of the school textbooks is being revised by the NCERT to align with the 2020 National Education Policy (NEP). To complete the curriculum, textbooks, and learning materials for these classes, the council has established the 19-member National Syllabus and Teaching Learning Material Committee (NSTC).
“The committee has also recommended the introduction of the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) in the curriculum of all subjects,” Isaac stated.
Both “India” and “Bharat” are used in the Indian Constitution, which is the ultimate legislation of the nation. This specific item is regarded as the fundamental clause that created the Union of India. “India, that is, Bharat, shall be a Union of States,” states Article 1.
This specific article of the Constitution establishes the name by which our country will be known, making it an important declaration. On September 18, 1949, the Drafting Committee chairman, Dr. Ambedkar, proposed for the adoption of the Article 1 draught.
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