MHA Issues New Guidelines For Pre-symptomatic Home Isolation

Mumbai: The Ministry of Health Affairs has issued a guideline regarding the proper home isolation do’s and don’ts on Sunday in suppression to the guidelines issued on 27th April 2020.

According to the order issued, very mild/pre-symptomatic patients having requisite facilities at home will be permitted home isolation.

The revised guidelines nullified the further testing of patients after the home isolation period. The patient has to regularly inform his health status to the district surveillance officer. 

The caretakers are advised to take Hydroxychloroquine as a preventive medication. Also, the Aarogya Setu app has to be installed and remains active all the time.

The guidelines consist of certain instructions for the patients. Patients should at all times use a triple-layer medical mask. Discard mask after 8 hours of use or earlier if they become wet or visibly soiled. Mask should be discarded only after disinfecting it with 1% Sodium Hypo-chlorite.

Patients must stay in the identified room and away from other people in the home, especially elderlies and those with comorbid conditions like hypertension, cardiovascular disease, renal disease, etc.

Patients must take rest and drink a lot of fluids to maintain adequate hydration. And Follow respiratory etiquettes all the time.

Hands must be washed often with soap and water for at least 40 seconds or clean with an alcohol-based sanitizer.

Don’t share personal items with other people.

Clean surfaces in the room that are touched often (tabletops, doorknobs, handles, etc) with a 1% hypochlorite solution.

The patient must strictly follow the physician’s instructions and medication advice.

The patient will self-monitor his/her health with daily temperature monitoring and report promptly if he develops any deterioration of symptoms as detailed below.

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