NGO’s Are To Blame The Amazon Fires: Jair Bolsonaro

Mumbai: Owing to its humidity the Amazon rainforest has always managed to be fire-resistant for a long time, but the sudden flaring up of trees is considered as a work of human by NASA.

The President Of Brazil commented on the issues by saying that the Fires might have been set by the Non-governmental organizations of the country. The president though has not quoted names of any person or organization in his statement.

He said, “We took away the funds from the NGOs. Crime exists and there’s no more money for them, so these people are missing the money. It could be, I’m not saying it was, but it could be the members of NGOs to create narrative against the government.”

The president’s statement, however, came without any pieces of evidence. When asked for proof Bolsonaro said that there was no written plan and that’s not how it works. His claims have enraged people and with the kind of attitude the administration shows to the Amazon forest, it is very unlikely for people to stay calm on this issue.

Since President Bolsonaro took the office, he had been promoting his idea of developing the rainforest region. Brazil is home to more than half of the Amazon forest and the world had raised concerns about Bolsonaro’s Idea of Amazon’s development and many countries are worried about the possible deforestation.

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